Thursday, December 6, 2007

Christmas Party Season!

Ah 'tis the season! For scrumptious food and fun times and good company ... like today when our staff closed the office and had lunch together!

Wished I would have taken more pictures, as there's a whole other table in the background with the other half of our staff, spouses included.

We had a great time at a local Greek food restaurant (I'm still breathing out the garlic!), which included some fun games, some door prizes, and a nice parting gift for each one. Thanks, boss and boss's wife!

When I hear about other people's work lives and how so many have problems with their jobs or maybe with co-workers, I feel so blessed to work in such a great environment like I do, with such awesome people.

If Christmas was the season for counting my blessings, I'd count my job and my co-workers right at the top of the list!

— Bonz

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